


Students are introduced to the multifaceted discipline which increases their cultural awareness and moral understanding of the world we live in.

The learning process will help them to grapple with complex questions and dilemmas by examining how the past has continuously shaped the global and local relationships between mankind and societies.

The programme highlights thematic studies as well as the historical environment. This helps the student to understand the change and continuity across a large sweep; including the most significant characteristics of different ages, from the medieval to the modern period.

Students will then be able to apply the principles and concepts of the key topics:

Such as


Medicine in Britain, c1250-present and The British sector of the Western Front, 1914 18: Injuries, treatment, and the trenches.

Anglo-Saxon and Norman England, c1060-88

Early Elizabethan England

Weimar and Nazi Germany, 1918-39

Mao’s China, 1945-76

A - Level

At A-level we, enable students to develop their interest and enthusiasm for history and an understanding of its intrinsic value and significance, acquiring an understanding of different identities within society and an appreciation of aspects such as social, cultural, religious and ethnic diversity, as appropriate . It helps them to  build on their understanding of the past through experiencing a broad and balanced course of study, as well as improve as effective and independent learners, and as critical and reflective thinkers with curious and enquiring minds . The subject make links and draws comparisons within and/or across different periods and aspects of the past;  organises and communicate their historical knowledge and understanding in different ways, arguing a case and reaching substantiated judgements.


The crusades, c1095–1204

Luther and the German Reformation, c1515–55

The unification of Italy, c1830–70

India, c1914–48: the road to independence

The USA, c1920–55: boom, bust and recovery


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