
Robotics Engineering Courses

Technology Class

Robotics Courses in Dubai with ARDUINO

The ROBOTICS course offers a unique opportunity for kids between the ages of 6 to 15 to dive into the world of robotics technology. Through robotics classes that range from basics to advanced levels, students apply creativity and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) concepts in an engaging setting. The course starts by introducing what is robotics: simply definition of robotics is the study of how to create and use robots, which are machines designed to perform tasks either autonomously or with human intervention.

In this interactive environment, students learn to program, design, and construct their own robots using ARDUINO. They are initially introduced to STEM concepts that are relevant to the field of robotics, as well as to different types of robots. This foundational knowledge enables them to engage in hands-on learning experiences, including coding, testing, running, and debugging their robotic creations.

Though not part of the general school syllabus, this ROBOTICS course serves as an excellent supplemental educational experience. It’s designed to foster curiosity and provide a structured yet adaptive and methodical approach to learning the subject matter. Overall, this course aims to enrich students’ understanding and skills in robotics, setting them on a path toward more advanced study and potential future careers in this exciting field.


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